On Wednesday’s between 3 and 5 in the afternoon we take bags
of oranges to the beaches offering free fruit and taking the opportunity to
meet new people, offer prayer and have a casual chat. Kirstie, James, one of
the long term team and I headed out to the beach where the workers usually go. This
was great as many of those we met knew who 24/7 Ibiza were and were ready to
receive their vitamin C injection!
We had a great time.
People on the whole are really chatty and happy to chew the
cud about holidays, work and life. We spent 10 minutes talking with two women
who were nervous about returning home as they were embarking on new academic adventures
and leaving home. I was able to share a bit about my own experience of God
being a support and a rock during times of change and how He could be that for them too.
I am learning that one of our main jobs is to sow seeds and
it’s OK to have brief encounters with people, share a little about what we do,
capture a prayer request or two and then move on. All done with a smile!
It was quite remarkable that when I approached the Spanish
life guards one was happy to accept an orange, the other didn't want fruit but insisted
that I gave her a bible!
Thanks for the up-date, Alex. Orange or Bible? Hmm tough choice. Excellent decision.